We created a new, central location to give a consolidated view for all task activities, where HR teams can filter for common actions and have quick access to the information they need. This simplifies the user experience with a common set of expected results and provides a consistent way to approach tasks.
The self-service renewal tool is now generally available to all users of PlanSource and new enhancements have been added, including a Carrier Changes Module. This tool allows users to indicate if there are changes or terminations to be made in a file, activating new carrier file requests to be sent to our renewal support team. Progress of the file changes can be tracked via the EDI Dashboard.
This forum offer the familiar functionality we’ve all come to expect from social media, including the ability to post content, like posts and set up polls to learn other’s thoughts on specific topics.
You can decide what methods of multi-factor authentication are required for different types of users in the PlanSource system. For example, administrators have greater access to sensitive data, so you may require it for them but make it optional for employees.
We have developed EOI integrations with Cigna, Guardian and MetLife in previous releases and, in the Galileo release, we have added SSO EOI integrations with Voya and Unum.